The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007No Such, As Too Much![]() Listen Up! MX Red Project - Abandoned by Me, Left in the hands of Dan. :: MX-C Project - Workin on it, still in the testing stages, but right now my co-creator is working on the graphics base, and I've already finished what I can without that part. :: WMP Project - Pushed back into cryo temporarily. I've been so busy with JoJ and classes, I haven't had time to work on much else. :: Jugglers On Juggling - Setbacks, Setbacks, Setbacks. I'm still trying, after 8 weeks, to figure out what's the best way to do things so that everyone likes it. I'm getting some good feedback from the guys on Rec.Juggling, and I appreciate it more than they know, but if you've got anything to say about it, don't hesitate for a second. Also, I have to announce, that my camera has gone haywire and the batteries weren't connecting right to the contact points. So I was getting about 1 hours worth of life from fresh batteries. Since I still have it under warranty, I sent it back, and I'll be camera-less (except for my old DX7440) for about a week. Thus, my YouTube profile for the next week will be all old videos, if any. Daily Life: Holy-crap. God was Shoprite fun the last 3 days. I'm just going to summarize to keep things short. Day One. I come in on time, and I go immediately out to do cleaner refills. Finish that after about an hour of looking for bottles of concentrate and bottles that work, and then it's time to put out plastic bags to all the registers. It's also stocking day, so everyone in the back is moving things around, luckily for me the bags palette was in the back, near a door without a trailer attached to it, so I just hung back and did that for a while. After an hour and a half worth of that, they send me to break and nothing much happens for the remaining hour afterwards. Day 2 (Saturday), 2 hours on register at 3:00 (peak hours) is fun, followed by a miscommunication and me thinking I had a 6 hour shift with a lunch and break as opposed to the only 4 hours I had. So I take my lunch break and do returns for the next hour after my lunch, still blissfully unaware and believing I would get another break at 8:00, when I'd really be leaving. 8:00 comes and goes, and I figure their late with my break, then I finally get called to the front around 8:30 and am told to go hand in my till and go home. I'm confused as hell, but eventually I figure it all out, and punch out late by about an hour. It works, I'm being paid for it. Finally, Sunday. I'm sent to the outside register for the entire duration of my 4 hour shift. First, I'm bored, then the ice cream man makes the most genius stop any of them can ever make. Right outside Shoprite, as all the kids are coming out. I'm not going to miss this opportunity, so I go grab one myself, and don't worry, I've got the valid excuse of helping keep order on the line. After all, there were somewhere around 20 kids scrambling, and I was the only one outside to keep things under control and keep the older kids from starting a fight. So that goes away, then I go inside to take my break, they send me to food court for 15 minutes when I'm done with my break so that she can get hers. That finishes with nothing out of the ordinary happening, so I then go back outside and finish the rest my shift out there, including bringing the register back upstairs and helping bring in all the plants from outside to in. So I was again, late with my punch by about 15 minutes, this weeks paycheck should be very nice. Also I went on my first date with a girl on Monday, but I consider that personal information and I don't like sharing personal stuff to the public. I'll just say, she's cute, has a sense of humor, and is interested in me. Hopefully I'll be going out with her again soon. Until then, I'll just tell you about the movie I saw with her in the traditional way I do. Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End - 9.0/10 I'll have to say, I severely underestimated this franchise. Disney does know what they're doing with live action films after all. I have to describe what the action is like in this movie first. It's a lot like the old Die Hard movies, resourcefulness movies. Where you're in an absolutely hopeless situation at every turn of the film, and you make the best out of absolutely nothing and come out smelling like roses. It's overly fantastic (in the literal sense of the word, fantasy), but that's what makes it great. You're not trying to be convinced that this could actually happen, just that the visuals are of you being told an incredibly descriptive story by a master vocal storyteller. It fits very nicely. Acting was great, and Depp I'm realizing finally, was a perfect choice to play Sparrow. He's silly and goofy by nature, and likes playing those characters, and Sparrow is no doubt goofy and silly, with mental instabilities and multiple personalities too, but also a genius. It's a very complex character that comes together very nicely, and I'm assuming that they made him the main character for the first two movies, because Sparrow was only about 3rd or 4th in the line of characters in the film. It's ok though, it worked, and it makes me want to watch the other two now. Overall, go see this movie the next time you're deciding what you want to see this summer. Epic fight scenes (not as epic as in SM3, but just as dire, and perhaps even more hopeless, with better conclusions), a romantic storyline that doesn't feel like a cheesy hash of a soap opera, and a lot of comedy that will literally make you laugh, even if you don't want to. Empty your bladders beforehand, or you'll feel like you just dropped overboard. Good movie, final word. Watch it. Juggle This: 66661 first flashed to collect, then flashed back into a 5 ball cascade. All under an 8 foot roof. Awesome. I just wish I got it on camera. I'll get film of it later though. Otherwise, I've actually been practicing club flourishes! WOW! Never thought I'd be able to do flourishes, but now I've got at least 2 club flourishes I can do on command, sweet! A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, May 22, 2007Holy 21st Of May![]() Listen Up! Standard Deviation has proven to be hugely successful. It's already got more than 400 views in less than a week, and is the 5th most popular video I've made yet. Go watch it and comment. :: MX-Project C, has hit a snag, before it even started. The other guy who was going to help me with it is suddenly not contacting me about it. I guess I'm on my own. :: My next WMP skin has been taken out of cryo and it's almost ready for announcing. But I'd still like to wait a while and see what else I can some up with to put in, plus I have to redesign one of the 5 major sections still. Bottom line, it's coming. :: JoJ is back, even if episode 6 isn't really all that wonderful, it's still released. It seems we're getting some negative feedback from Rec.Juggling, but whatever. I have a headache and you'll find out why below. Daily Life: Ugh, do I really have to talk about today, all I want to do is go to sleep... Ok, since I have to. Picture if you will, I'm just coming off of the flu, or something, which I've had since Wednesday. I'd called out of work for 2 of the 3 days I was scheduled over the weekend because of it. Now, today, due to a lovely cancellation of my class for summer, the only one that actually FIT into my schedule, not I'm taking a 3 hours each day, 4 days a week course, WITH HW and reading every night. Needless to say, I was pissed, and I'm very hard to piss off. So my first class was today, and it sucked. Except for me catching to right answer to a logic puzzle the professor threw out near the end of class. Otherwise, I had to spend another $100 in books out of my already depleted bank account, which my parents said they won't pay me back for. So once that 3 hours is over, I run home only to have my mother call me and ask how it went. Which there are very few things I hate in this world, one is being babied and not-trusted. So I answer her questions and move on to releasing episode 6 of Jugglers On Juggling. Now, you don't need to tell me this episode is crap, I know it is. It's failed to record at least 3 times already, hence the week delay, and I just wanted to release it before it threw everyone off the normal schedule. So I upload it and update the RSS feed and post it to WJF forum and Rec.Juggling, and that burns up the half-hour I had left between class and my trip to NYC tonight. I didn't have anything to eat yet, I haven't had any time to go to the bathroom, no time to do anything, just run. So now I'm at the bus stop, waiting to catch the bus to NYC for the 3rd Diggnation NYC meetup. It was the one thing that made today worth it all. Only problem was the bus was 20 minutes late. So that was a fun time waiting for it to arrive, and a good 20 minutes wasting. Which BTW, if you don't know about me, the #1 thing on the list of things I hate is wasted time. Whether it be me wasting time when I could spend it doing something productive/useful/or just catching and keeping up with the world, or whether it be other people wasting my time waiting for the bus, waiting for someone to reply back to an email or phone call, waiting for people to arrive for a schedule that they've made. I hate wasting time. So finally the bus arrives. Now I get on and play some Pkmn Diamond, which is still and awesome game 3 weeks later, and I start getting motion sickness, which I don't normally ever get, but since I got the flu, it's understandable. So I stop playing and chill on the bus for a while. Wait in the usual 6:00 Traffic going to NYC through the Lincoln Tunnel, and I actually made it there pretty early, around 6:45. The meetup is at 7:30. So I'm stoked now, and it's the first good thing that's happened all day, so finally I'm in a good mood. Now, I'm in line waiting for a cab, and I'm traveling light today (no carrying case for my juggling props, just the rings around my neck and the clubs in my hand), so I'm getting looks and requests from other people in line, and I got like 5 bucks from it, SWEET! So I get a cab and head over to the Turtle Bay, which was only about a mile away from the Port Authority Bus Terminal, and I get there even before Mike does. So he arrives not 45 seconds after I do, and we head upstairs to set things up. Dude, the upstairs lounge of the Turtle Bay is frickin' awesome. They have flat panel screens everywhere, a balcony, 2 projection screens, and big f'n windows for natural lighting. It was like paradise, and best of all, it was free. If Diggnation ever comes to NYC, this is the place they'd have to hold it. So now people start coming in, and I'm rockin' the 5 rings I brought, and then eventually we get all 25 people who showed up in, and begin the episode. I then proceeded to order my first meal I've had all day, a nice juicy cheeseburger and fries. Nothing has ever tasted so good in my life at this point. So that goes on, and the random conversations I'm having with people as the episode's playing on EVERY SCREEN IN THE PLACE, which was awesome. So then the episode ends 45 minutes later, and now we're just doing stuff. I start social juggling, and a lot of people get into it. Doing stuff like throwing me rings to catch on the head from across the room, tossing rings down to me from the balcony, it's awesome. I pulled my first 7531 with rings while I was there too. So this happens for a while, then I'm just conversing and hanging out until 10:30 or so, and then I have to leave. So I catch a cab and then get to the bus and go. Meanwhile, on the bus, I start texting with Nat from MCC, which is always fun, and stuff. And there was no real big end point to this story, so I'll just say I got home, stuff was fine, and now I'm tired as hell and amazed that I just wrote all of that. Juggle This: Nothing really happened. 7531 with rings for the first time. Starting to get into flourishes with clubs, and actually managing to do one or two every so often. My 360's and 180's are now basically to the point, where I can do them socially and on command, which is always awesome. I'm looking ahead to my next video, which will actually have a theme and story for, but that's a ways off, so don't even start thinking about it yet... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Wednesday, May 16, 2007Ξ Standard Paper Spiderman.![]() Listen Up! MX Red project is now being left to Dan, I'm teeming up with another MX member on a much better idea/project. More on that at a much later date. :: STANDARD DEVIATION IS RELEASED! GO CHECK IT OUT! YOUTUBE :: JoJ episode 6 has been postponed until next week. We've got plans for it to change though, because it was such a horrible episode anyways. We still need 2 hosts to fill in though. EMAIL ME!!! "Ouch! Why so harsh there Rich?", I'll tell you why. But right after I get to pointing out the good things about it. First off, the fight scenes are the most epic I've ever seen, and this isn't an epic movie. Those things I could watch all day, they blended the Matrix, Daredevil, and James Bond perfectly in every fight sequence. It was a thing of beauty to watch. And there were at least 4 fight sequences in the film, so you'll get plenty of that. They finally brought out Venom, not black suit spidey, if only for 10 minutes in the entire film. Now onto the bad things. If it was a spot in the movie without dark Pater Parker, or fight sequences, it was all way too soft. It felt like I was almost watching a soap opera at some points, which is not what I paid to see. "When you were kissing her, were you kissing her as spidey or peter? *sob". Suck. Another thing, why in the hell did they have 3 villains in the movie? That was one of the worst decisions they made. I guess they figured it'd make for an awesome final sequence when 2 of them team up to fight spidey, but they did that so horribly, it felt like, and was, 2 separate fight sequences pushed one right against the other. They spent maybe, 30 minutes of total footage on Sandman and his story, 40 on black suit spidey and dark Peter, another 15 on Goblin, 10 minutes on the real Venom, and the remaining 20 minutes or so went to good Peter. Worst decision I've seen in a while. All in all, it wasn't a bad movie, and if you're a fan of Spiderman, as I've been for years, it's worth the watch. But overall, I was let down by it. Super Paper Mario for the Wii - 9.7 / 10 On to bigger and better things right? Super Paper Mario is insanely awesome, and I've been playing it nonstop since I got it not 4 days ago, and I'm about to face the final boss. I am so glad they brought the Paper Mario franchise into a full blown platformer taking advantage of the idea that the characters are paper-thin. I'm dodging spoilers here, because every ability, element, everything about this game is awesome, and will give you that "Holy Sh!t! AWESOME!!!!" reaction that we're all looking for from a game. Let me put it this way, the first time you flip to 3d mode or catch a starman, you'll be hooked on this game. I was playing it over at my friends house before I ever got it, and I was wowed right there when I found a starman, and well, awesomeness became thee. I know that makes "about as much sense as a beef and broccoli sandwich!" (my favorite quote from the game, of which there are countless), but just trust me, if you have a Wii, get this game. If you don't have a Wii, GET ONE AND GET THIS GAME, and then go and get Twilight Princess while you're at it. Juggle This: Like I said, I released "Standard Deviation" today. My 8th major juggling video, and my first double video. So far, I think one of my best, right up with "Upgrade". Otherwise, there's not much going on, other than me starting to play around with 3 ball box variations. Nothing special though. Only thing is, now that summer's here, I don't have a necessary reason to go over to the college campus and their wonderful 10+ foot ceilings. Oh well, the Sewaren Public Library is right down the street, and my parents basically own the damned place, so I can go in there and practice. But yeah, so now I'm thinking about my next juggling video, and this one's going to be much more story oriented, not just a bunch of tricks synched to music. It's gonna be great. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, May 08, 2007The Run-Around![]() Listen Up! Release date for "Standard Deviation", May 20th. Burn that into you're brains, my next big Juggling video, which is also a double feature video by the way. Watch the trailer on my site :: Jugglers On Juggling is starting to get overhauled and we've got a lot of ideas floating around for it. Hopefully we'll get things sorted out and going steady soon, every episode is still a bit of a struggle. :: MX Red, don't ask. I haven't topuched the damned thing for about 2 weeks. When I finish Standard deviation, I'll work on the Red project, and you've got my word on that Dan. Daily Life: Shoprite? Let me see if I can remember what happened. Uh, nope. Nothing really interesting happened at Shoprite over the past 3 days. I was put on the outside register on Friday, food court on Saturday, and normal registers on Sunday. Nothing really noteworthy happening any of those days, which is pretty strange in itself, but whatever. Now, I have to give you SOME kind of story, ah, I know exactly what to tell you. Ok, so here's the backstory to the story. I've been attending my math class the entire semester, and doing alright in it. It gets to midterm time, and my professor says she can't put my grade into the system because I'm not in her class electronically, so I figure that she meant that there was a computer problem and that I'm on the roster for her class, so I spend the next 2 weeks visiting advisers and registrars, all the while they tell me I'm in the database for my math class, so I assume everything's fine. I don't know how the MCC database works, so I figure it was taken care of. Another week goes by, and she says I'm still not in the class and that I need a signed note from the adviser saying I'm in her class. So I go talk to the advisers again, and they won't give me a note because I'm in the database for my math class, and they can't hand out signed slips to every single guy who walks in. So again, I go talk to my math professor (we're at 4 weeks after midterms now), still thinking it's not a huge problem, and I don't even remember what she does, but it's basically just a "drop the issue" kind of deal. So now, shoot ahead another week, another test gets put into the gradebook, and she tells me I'm still not in the roster. So I finally go, "Ok, I'm getting to the bottom of this." I pull out all my schedules and check my account on the MCC website, and it takes me about 3 days of doing this, to realize I'm attending the wrong class. By now, it's 5 weeks past the original announcement of my problem, and it's too late to switch classes or drop classes. So now, I've got to get the runaround to try and fix everything and get the grades put in correctly. The basic deal is, if I don't do something, I won't get credit for the course I'm attending, and the course I'm registered for I will get a big fat 0 factored into my overall GPA, even if I take his final and ace it. So now, like I said, I'm running around to advisers, who can't do anything for me now, registrars who can't switch things over without a reason as to why I went and attended the wrong class, and then finally, about 7 weeks after the whole ordeal started, and one week before the semester ends, I get an appointment with my dean, who then figures out all the problems, and overrides everything (Thank You), and gets me switched into the class I've been attending. So now, my professor doesn't really like me anymore, and she's telling me to bring in all the documentation, the semester is literally over, the math final is tomorrow, and she's giving me a hard time about it still. Whatever, I'm bringing in everything I have tomorrow, and whatever happens, I don't know. Bottom line, I hate getting the run-around, me not having a good idea of my own problems, and professors who don't realize how much crap I've just swam through to get to them. I love college... Juggle This: Three numbers. 7 - 4 - 4. Yes, the first truly difficult5 ball trick, and my first 5b siteswap besides 5. Let me tell you, I paid for it though, with my shoulder. After getting it for the first time, on camera, I decided to go for it some more, not filming. I don't know what happened, but all of the sudden, after doing nothing, my left shoulder goes out. You know the feeling, it feels like someone just stabbed a 4 inch blade into the base of your shoulder. It hasn't gone away yet. But it was worth it... A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, May 01, 2007VG Gladiator![]() Listen Up! My next juggling video, now titled "Standard Deviation", is in it's 3rd of 4 stages. Editing and final footage gathering. I'm expecting to release it sometime within the next 2 weeks, so watch for it next blog post. Also, Jugglers On Juggling is doing really well, and Episode 5 is going to record on Thursday, with guest, Vova Galchenko. This one's gonna be fun... R2150's Video Game Reviews for the Intelligent Human: We all know that Pokemon is back. Diamond and Pearl hit the shelves for the DS last week, 04/22/07, and I got a copy of Diamond on launch day. Let me say this, it's like being bounced 10 years back to 98, playing red and blue for the first time. It's all coming back, and it's as awesome as ever. Now, people that know me know I'm a Nintendo Loyalist, always have been, and there's a good reason for it, they make quality games, and this one is no exception. Now, I haven't beaten it yet, but I have just captured my first Legendary 'mon of the game, and am going for the 6th badge right now. I've already logged 20 hours into this little cartridge, and I'm not lying. I actually play that more right now than I spend time playing my Wii. Story is actually good (as in thought was put into it, not that it's Final Fantasy or anything), which was something I definitely wasn't expecting from a Pokemon title, and the battle system has been remained unchanged, which is the best move they made with this release. Remember the past 3-4 'mon titles for GBA and DS, the ones with this whole capturing system where you would draw circles around the 'mon you're trying to capture? Of course you don't remember it, because it sucked so much. Going back to the series' roots was one of the best moves Nintendo's made recently (handheld wise), and making the entire overworld 3d? I wasn't expecting that either, though it didn't really do much, it's definitely a nice touch. But before I go away from the battle system too much, they did make one change to it, they added, to each individual 'mon, a stat that had an effect anything else in play. It's like the powers from the trading card game, and it's another great addition. Now, the addition of Wifi is huge, I think. It's definitely opened up the door for anyone wanting to battle or trade in a room of people, no longer do you need to spend at least 8 bucks for a link cable that would pop out when you shifted your weight. I know, it's minor, and I said the same thing when the DS launched, but it feels so great to see everyone in a crowded cafeteria sitting there battling. Now, the only bad things about this game, because I have to be objective, are the following. 1: It'll suck every spare moment out of you're day. 2: When it's over, you're probably not going to want to play it through again. 3: It gets a bit repetitive after a while, and you'll end up using a lot of Max Repels to keep the level 11 'mon at bay when you're going back to an area with level 50's. 4: It's a little bit unorganized with how many different items there are and no real way to store them in a separate place, you'll be thumbing through dozens of items looking for the one you need a lot. 5: There is no #5, that's everything I found wrong with this game. It's obviously taken off, I know at least 8 people right now who either want it or have it, it's great. The basic Pokemon formula, though a decade old, still is as potent and as effective as ever, and will be for years to come, as long as it's not screwed around with. My final word is, GO GET IT BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES! POKEMANIA! IT'S RUNNIN' WILD, BROTHER! 9.6/10.0 Juggle This: Well, aside from my next video, I've been practicing a lot with 3 clubs recently, and a lot of practice with my spinning. It started back at All College Night (read my last post), when I was doing 3 club 1up 180's, and realizing just how easy they were. I could never try them before because of roof height. Now, I'm spending what free time I have over in the college center practicing a lot of spins, and within the past 3 days I've gotten: 3b 3up 360 (numerous times), 4b 4up 180, 4r 2up 180, 3c 2up 180, and a few more spins I can't remember. I'm getting a lot better at them, but still nowhere near anything really all that good. You'll see a lot of my other things I've been screwing around with when Standard Deviation comes out, until then, you'll just have to listen to JoJ. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |