The Version 3 blog of Richard [Reeses2150] Kohut
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Tuesday, January 30, 2007Losing Consciousness
Listen Up!
Well, Dan has decided to completely redo Mobius-x, so now I've got another project on my already big enough list. Shouldn't take too long though, because this time he wants a static site, with frames (ugly and unprofessional, but it's his site. So I'll let him do it, see how horrible it will look, and then I'll redesign it again...). Besides that, I may start recording my next Juggling video sometime soon, hopefully not too soon though. I'm trying to get back into doing my schoolwork and doing homework as well. Only problem is, my parents are, well, becoming horribly restrictive over MY schedule. MY schedule, not theirs, MINE. I'll explain later. I've been trying to find the time to hang out in the college center that would fit in my schedule at MCC, but so far, nothing other than a 30 minute block on Tuesdays, unless I want to start staying at MCC just hanging out before or after classes. Daily Life: Well, I got sick on Saturday and had to call out of work, and nothing interesting happened on either Friday or Sunday that I can remember, so no Shoprite story this week. HOWEVER. Home situations that my parents do not understand as I have mentioned above, are turning out to be quite interesting. Here's the backstory. About 3 weeks ago, I was staying awake until 5:00 AM or so every night, and then waking up sometime around noon or so and heading for either work or my winter class. I was starting to get a little bit frustrated with that, as I would be barely waking up in time for anything, plus my daily routine was being set back as well. Basically, your lunch was my breakfast, you're dinner was my lunch, and then I would have dinner around midnight. I was starting to become annoyed at that, so I decided to try going to sleep earlier (3:00 was what I planned). Unfortunately, I made the horrible mistake of telling my parents my plan. So now they are ALL OVER ME ABOUT IT! My plan was working, I was going to sleep around 2:30-3:00 every night, and I was shifting back into a regular schedule, or as my parents call it "a normal human's one" (have they ever considered the possibility that I'm not normal? I am eccentric after all.). Then, one night, I decided that if I went to sleep at 3:00, I would not be able to get up before 9:00 AM and do something that I needed to do, I can't even remember what it was. So I pulled an all-nighter. Then, 2 days later (Monday morning) I did the same thing, because I had to wake up and get something to the post office before I left for MCC (I had to be there around 11:00 for a meeting between a lot of the clubs at MCC.). I decided to pull an all nighter again because I simply had a LOT of things to do that night (watch the X-Games that I had to RECORD so that it would be off my to-do list, design an Ad to go in a book that I had to and didn't have to do, do practice problems in math, complete a "cover letter" to go along with a copy of my resume to places I want to intern with, get in touch with Jason to finalize the beginners comp rules, and a few other things I wanted to do, including the daily updates and catch-ups I have to do). So I had to go to the bathroom, so I go at about 5:00 to the bathroom, at which point my dad comes in and tells me to go into bed, and he's pissed about it. He doesn't even give me the chance to explain anything, and then he comes in and checks on me every 5 minutes, even when I have already GONE to bed. I have to make clear, I'm not just trained to follow any orders (and I do mean orders) they give me (as they want me to be). He came in looking like he was going to kick my face in, and I do not want to screw with him when he is like that. So all that stuff got put on hold, I ended up not doing the cover letter, talking with Jason, and whatever else was on the list, and now I'm behind with everything. He's trying to negotiate with me, the only thing is he's making "nickel bargains", you ever heard of them? Offering a nickel to you when the asking price is $5. Trying to bargain with me to go to sleep at 11:00 (quote, "NORMAL TIME", meanwhile both him and my mom are only walking into their rooms around 11:00 themselves, and my sister stays awake as long as she wants downstairs watching TV at least once a week.), I've managed to negotiate it over to 1:00 AM, but the thing is, it's damned near impossible for me to fall asleep (I can go to bed sure, but I won't physically fall asleep until) before 3:00 AM. Here's why. For the past 15 years of my life, my daily routine has always been to wake up, go to school or work, and as soon as I get home from there, that's when my day begins. It would take at least a year to retrain myself to any other schedule. And I'm slowly TRYING to work my way into being able to stay up all night, because I realized right after I got my job, that the night shift ANYWHERE, both pays more and is in higher demand. So I figured that it would be best for me to adopt a night schedule, where I would sleep until 2-4:00 PM or so, go to work at night, and then come back home around 2:00 AM and then my normal day would begin. That would be the best schedule for an eccentric guy such as myself who needs to maximize cash. The only reason I haven't gotten into that dream schedule is because I am still going to school. That and my parents. So now they know my plans, and why I can't go to sleep at 11, 12, or even 1:00 AM is pushing it. There is just too much for me to do + my trained daily schedule + my one plan in life. Wow, that's a long rant, and I'm really jumping around, but it's hard not to when you feel strongly about something. Oh, and I almost forgot one HUGE reason, I LIKE the feeling of isolation. I like being alone and am most comfortable and do the best work when I don't feel like I can be called downstairs to do something or interrupted in some other way at ANY moment. I've ranted for way too long... ...Hear me out, consider my words, or don't even bother. Juggle This: Well, I've gotten into a new trend of designing many juggling T-shirts and then having noone buy them, lol. Besides that, Jason and I have reached a descision (I won't say compromise) regarding the rules sheet for the 2007 beginners competition at WJF4. I wanted to keep the master-move-scores list and the ability to remake you're routine, and Jason didn't. I finally bent and just let him get rid of it entirely. I regret it a little, but we had to get this sheet out as early as we could. Whatever. As for new moves I'm working on, I came up with a great one and posted it to my member journal on the WJF forums. I'm not posting it here because this post is already too long. So I'll just end here. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, January 23, 2007Glass BreakageListen Up! Spring classes have started. You can't really call it spring, but hell, it's only been 2 days, and I've only been to half my classes so far. But from what I've done, I think I'm going to like Tuesdays, especially my psychology course. Daily Life: Shoprite Stories Yet Again! Ok, Saturday, I'm scheduled 4-9, and I check this time. I come in, and it's busy, fun for me. The managers send me to #19, which isn't a bad register, only because it's the only register that isn't blazingly warm thank to it being right next to the exit. Either way, I start scanning, and after about an two hours or so of nothing special happening, I get a MASSIVE $400 order that took up about 3 carts. Luckily, I've got the guy on register 21 (reserve express lane) to help me bag. Even so, it doesn't help that I've already got about $500 in my till, and she decides to pay all in cash. I am immediately locked out of my register, and it will not take the order without the override key. Thanks to how busy it was, it took about 8 minutes for the key to get to my register and for her to go. In the meantime, I actually had time to look outside and see that it was SNOWING! That made my day. So then, while the manager was there, she tells me to turn off my light and go give the food court register a lunch break. Awesome, and I'm not being sarcastic. The food court register is the quietest of all, especially in total darkness. Yes, if you haven't figured out from that statement, the power went out not 5 minutes after I went onto that register. It's one of the most awesome things to be in a foodstore when there's a blackout, to hear the simultaneous "YEAH!" from all the lazier employees (myself included, I won't lie), and the "Awwwww..." (as in "Awwww damn") from all of the customers, immediately followed by at least one crashing sound. Unfortunately, it only lasted for about a minute, but it was cool. So then it took about 15 minutes for the registers in the back to reboot to the point where I could sign back in and start scanning people again. So basically, I only spent about 5 minutes WORKING in the back, the other 25 was just standing there. Like I had any customers anyways? So I get back to the front and they tell me to go on my break, so I do just that. Nothing interesting happens there. Skip ahead to me going back to the front and being asked to refill the cleaner bottles, one of my favorite things to do at Shoprite. I collect the bottles, and as I'm heading back, I pass by a guy who's electric scooter ran out of power. If you don't know, Shoprite has a set of electric scooters that have baskets on them that are free for disabled and old people to use. So I leave the cart there and go get the guy a new cart. When I come back, and then again after bringing the dead cart back to the front for recharging, I find that 3 of the spray bottles I had mysteriously vanished. I caught the guy in the janitors closet filling them with the WRONG cleaner. So I took the bottles back and told him to go down to the bottom janitors room for refilling and to get his own bottles. Since he thought I was a manager or something, he apologized and headed down. So after I finished with all the refilling of the bottles, on the way back, I found a man carrying a 1 year old or so who was looking for something, I forget what. As soon as I finish telling him where it would be on the shelves, the kid pukes all over him. Now I'm trying to fight the laughter as I say, "I'll go get some towels, I'll be right back." I come back and find the kid trying to run off. I catch him and give the guy the towels, and show him the way to the daycare center we have. I go right back to the bottles. I pass them all out, and then am told to do some returns. It's about 8:15 by now, so now it's just a countdown to going home. So I'm doing returns, and not much is happening, and then I come back for my third cart and almost slip (actually I did slip, but I didn't fall), on a milk spill. And entire half gallon container of milk had burst open right in front of register 8. What's great is that the managers are nowhere to be found and I don't know how to page the store from anywhere but the airphones (the nearest working one is across the store). So I put a few carts over the spill, tell the cashier on 8 to close and bag for someone else for the time being, and then go across the store to page for someone. Then, around 8:50, another GIANT spill, right at the courtesy desk. I come past about 30 seconds after someone dropped a glass bottle of apple cider, and hit a melted container of Ice Cream on it's way down to the floor and it's ultimate oblivion, and then the ice cream started dripping out. It was maddening, I feel sorry for the guys in maintenance that day. But I just keep doing my returns until 9:00 comes around, at which point I punch the clock and get the hell out of there before something else happened. Sunday was a pretty uneventful day, except for the business. Juggle This: Well, as a lot of you who read this part know, I've been coming up with the rules and stuff to lead the 2007 WJF beginners comp. I just replied back to Jason's last response about the final draft, and this is going to be the LAST revision. So expect the beginners rules to be up within the next few days hopefully. Not much else in juggling news. Recently, 2 people I know have finally become interested and have asked me to teach them how to juggle. My co-worker Dan, and my cousin PJ, I taught them both the basic 3 ball, and I haven't checked up on them yet, but I heard that my cousin was practicing, and Dan sometimes will go over to produce and practice with 3 oranges as I've seen (I presonally think those tiny cans of cat food are better juggling objects, but that's just me, lol). So that's that. I released another quick hash video, Juggle Thru, and it got a good response. I literally took 2 hours out of my life to make that video when I was bored around 1:00 AM one night. Whatever. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, January 16, 2007Art! Coupons! Bottles! FOUNTAINS!![]() Listen Up! No breaking news or anything to announce, it's been pretty uneventful, at least in terms of big projects. HOWEVER. I did submit a new batch of art to DeviantART. Which was overdue by at least 3 months. Check em out! Tools Of The Trade, LightPlay, Pre-Vegas, Artificial Nature, Out Of Frame, Out Of Mind, A Day In The Life Of Me, Jetstream, Superiority Complex, Hi-Speed, and Thrill Rider - The Twister. Also view My Gallery, as I've got some other stuff there I haven't said much about. Also, I've been plugging away on for a while now, and now I have to plug it. Has to be the best site for trading/selling items I've ever used. I just got in Yellowcard - Lights And Sounds today. Awesome album, in my opinion, better than American Idiot. I've also gotten Inspector Gadget (movie), Eve 6 - Eve6 (music), Lit - A Place In The Sun (music), and a bunch more stuff that I wanted to get, but was never willing to buy. Daily Life: What? You wanna hear about what happened at Shoprite? You want a story? Ok, I'll give you a story. Saturday. Come in at 4:00 as usual. As you should know, I don't really check my schedule anymore, as it's always the same, 4:00-10:00 Friday Saturday and Sunday. That will come in later though. I grab a till from the overly crowded till room, and head out. The manager sends me to register 14. It's a register, nothing special about it. After about 20 minutes, a customer comes in that just pisses me off to know end. Ok, so I think anyone who ready this section of my blog knows about the Indian Americans that shop with coupons instead of cash. ALL of the cashiers hate them, not just me, so don't go blasting me for being prejudiced. It was a mother and her DAUGHTER. She had to have been no more than 11 years old. The order had been split between them, and guess what, it was exactly the same stuff, with 4 of each item (the quantity limit on placed on items on sale), for both orders. I immediately know what that means, coupon hording, or as I call it, WHORING. I scan the order, and guess what this little 11 year old whips out, a fistfull of coupons. I smile and start scanning, meanwhile I'm thinking "It's bad enough she's making every employee at every food store in Woodbridge hate her, but now she's making us hate this little girl too. Bitch.". Then the machine gives a rejection beep. I check the coupon again and realize she's given me a coupon, she has the item, and it's not expired, but she's given me a "$1 off two" coupon, and she only has one item. Immediately I think, and I REALLY have to force myself into not shouting this at the mother "NOT ONLY ARE YOU TEACHING HER TO COUPON WHORE, BUT YOU'RE NOT EVEN TEACHING HER HOW TO DO IT RIGHT!" So I then explain to her what the deal is, and she immediately turns to her mom and gets handed to another coupon, for the same item, and it's not a "$X off two" coupon, but it is EXPIRED. I am fuming. But I have to just smile and say, "this is expired." So after another consultation from her mom, she tells me to take off the item, and her mom hands me that item from her order too. The clencher is that, we've already spent about 8 minutes on this 30 item order, and now we're going to have to wait even longer because that was a $6 item (and you need the managers key in order to remove an item worth more than $5). After that whole situation was resolved and I did her mothers order, they leave and even the customers in line now are calling them bitches behind their back. That just made my day, and I start making jokes about it to the customers that were in line, and they're having a good time. Then, 5 minutes later, she comes back and asks a REALLY stupid question about why an item that was supposed to be (and was) $1.99 had rang up to $3.99, I then point her to the amount that the price plus card had taken off, IMMEDIATELY BELOW THE ITEM, AND IN BOLD FONT! I wasn't sure whether to laugh or feel SORRY for their stupidity after they left. So I just tried to not do anything, and focused on the line that I had. The next two or so hours were pretty uneventful, I went on my break around normal time, and I was on register for a while. So I come back from break around 7:00 (normal time, though a little early), and I'm asked to go refgill the spray bottles. Here's the background for this giant paragraph, over the past 2 months, someone has been losing/stealing/breaking bottles, and the stash or new empty bottles has been moved from it's usual spot in the frontend closet to some unknown place in the store, which despite my best efforts to find, I could not. So for the past few weeks, we've only had about 8 working bottles of spray cleaner for a compliment of 20 registers. Needless to say, it was a little frustrating, so I finally decided to ask the guys upstairs where the bottles had been moved to. I get redirected to Mr. R********, the store co-manager and manager of store supplies (including bottles). After paging for him, and asking him where the bottles are over the radio, he tells me to meet him upstairs and he'll get them for me. So I head upstairs, and no wonder I can't find them, the reserve bottles had been moved to the 3rd floor store-room, which is behind an alarmed door that only the store managers have access to, and a door that I never even knew existed. So he throws me down a box of 12, and he asks if I need another, so I immediately say yes, and he throws down another box. Then it hits me (not the box, an idea), "I just spent the past month searching for ANY extra bottles, whether it be half-working ones, ones that didn't belong to the front, or any reserve bottles anywhere in the store, and I just got enough to fill up every department in the store, including the front registers." So I fill them up, head back and distribute them, and I'm the new hero. Everyone's absolutely shocked that now EVERY register has a bottle on it, and there's leftovers for the front counter too. So now that that's done, I go grab my till and head back to the front. It's about 7:50, and the manager tells me to hand it in and do returns. I'm thinking, "Huh? I am NOT doing returns for 2 hours. Oh well, best not to dispute." So I go hand in my till and start doing returns. About 3 carts later at 9:00 or so, I learn that I was only scheduled until 8:00. Me having thought that I was scheduled until 10:00, this was a relief and a bummer. What I found to be awesome (in a sucky way) was that I had visited the front counter 3 times after 8:00 to grab a cart of returns, and none of the managers said ANYTHING. So I grab the punch-clock-override card (as the clock won't let you punch in or out if it's more or less than 7 minutes past the scheduled time), punch out, and head home. Thus ends my story of awesomeness, and you're non-required reading of boringness. Have a nice day. Juggle This: Remember the trick i talked about in the last entry? Well, I've mastered it and given it a name. The "Triple Shower". Also, thanks to the WJF forums, I've started trying to do a 4 ball mess, with some actual results. Just 30 minutes ago, after only starting yesterday, I managed to qualify it from and back into a 4 ball fountain. Awesome. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Tuesday, January 09, 2007Back To The Tuesday Drill
Ok, as I've gotten really erratic with my blog post dates, I've gone back to my old Tuesday schedule. Now that theat's out of the way, I have a LOT of crap to cover.
Listen Up! I've become the person in charge of the new Novice competition at the WJF. The topic is up on the forums for everyone to read. The basic story is that there was a 5 page debate on whether to have this competition at all, and after 5 pages of heated arguments, a decision was made by Jason (founder and organizer for the WJF) to have a volunteer run the competition for this year, and have it be disassociated from all of the other competitions. Then, after the convention is over, he will see as to formally adopt it or not. He asked for volunteers, and I did (noone else even remotely hinted that they wanted to take it up). So now I'm organizing everything for this competition, from rules, to judges, to workshops (along with Jason that is). In real life news, Racquetball class has been hell. I'm coming home more tired than as if I had just worked a 6 hour shift at Shoprite. It sucks, to put it bluntly. But hey, it's an extra (easy) credit that I need. Especially since I'm back in trouble with grades and the like. I don't want to talk about it here for the world to see (or the small portion of it that actually reads this) but I'll assume you've already figured out what happened by now. So I'll stop talking/typing. Daily Life: So I have to give you the fore-story. It's Friday, and I'm scheduled at Shoprite from 4:00-8:00. There aren't that many people working that day, and I've literally just come back from racquetball and am tired as hell. Luckily for me, it wasn't a busy day, plus I got the morale booster of forgetting that I was only working a 4 hour shift, as opposed to the 6 hours I though I had. So basically, 7:30 comes around and I'm about to head back on the registers. I'm about ready to collapse from tiredness and boredom from being on the registers, and the managers then ask me if I can stay later. I'm usually very nice and will do whatever my managers ask me to do, including staying late. I probably don't have to, because I'm in a union, but I don't believe in being a dick. I was really hesitant to say no, and then later while I'm on register and one of the managers is coming back, I cut her a deal. As I've always preferred doing odd-jobs, I say that I'll stay as long as they want me to, as long as I'm doing things like returning carts outside, collecting cardboard boxes, and refilling spray bottles. So they take it up, and I end up staying till 9:20 doing just that, and I didn't mind at all. So, now jump to Sunday the 7th. I first have to ask a question, what made that Sunday special from any other Sunday of the year? Absolutely nothing as far as I could ever figure out, and yet EVERYONE in the town of WOODBRIDGE decided to go shopping that day, at the exact same time. Everyone, including me, was saying "Welcome To Hell." as each employee was coming in to punch in, including the managers. I don't think you get the full picture yet, EVERY SINGLE REGISTER IN THE BUILDING WAS OPEN AND HAD A LINE. That includes the food court registers, the 2 opposite end express lanes (20 + 21, which are used primarily for storage and are absolutely NEVER open), and even the business canter register, which is only used for cashing employees paychecks, was open and scanning people. It was the busiest I have EVER seen it in the past 2 years of working there, and the past 10 years shopping there. So here's the shortened version, as you're already sick of reading. First thing, as soon as I walk out of the house, I get a crank in my neck. The type that hits directly between the shoulders, that kills. There's nothing I can do though except tough it out. I come in and get welcomed to hell by the managers, who then (by some random miracle) send me to my favorite register, #5 (the 20 item express lane. The lane where it's designated express, so you only get short orders, yet the customers can still bag their own stuff). I get the adrenaline going with the help of a mountain dew and go through what had to be at least 100 customers within the first hour. Thanks to the adrenaline I had going, I didn't even feel the crank or the cut I got on my hand when I accidentally scraped into a sharp edge on the register. Then I slowed down a bit, as the adrenaline wore down, and I finished another hour off before going on my lunch break. When I got back, they then sent me over to the food court registers to let J**** go on her lunch break. So I'm going to be spending the next half hour there. The awesomely horrible thing is, as soon as I get there, and J**** leaves, teh register breaks and won't turn on. I'm sitting there for about 10 minutes trying how to fix it, and having to turn down every customer except the ones who were getting pizza, which I just took the money and put it straight into my till. After not getting anyone from the front to come and help restart the register after I paged for them, twice, I managed to find where it plugged into the electrical socket, and after another 6 minutes of rebooting, I was finally open and working. 5 minutes later, J****'s lunch break was done and I headed back, where they then had me do returns for basically the rest of my shift. Another thing I haven't explained yet, due to the HUGE flow of customers, there are at least a dozen FULL carts of returns just sitting in front of the frontend at any one time. It was mayhem, as me and 3 others, including Kyle and Dan were doing returns for about 2 and a half hours. So 10:00 finally rolls around and I punch and leave, without ever taking my 15 minute "mandatory" break. Whatever. I got home, collapsed, and didn't wake up for another 6 hours. Juggle This: Not much happening in my juggling life, other than the huge WJF organizing thing. I came up with a great 3 ball shower variation. It's a 615150 where one of the 5's is thrown under the arm. It really looks cool, especially when I do it as a pattern and not just a trick. Either way, you'll see it eventually. I've decided now, for the purpose of organization, I'm going to make a private list of all the tricks I want to use in my next juggling video. Speaking of which, Tossik launched, and it did pretty good. I got great comments and compliments from everyone, plus about 150 views within the first 24 hours or launching it. Awesome. I've yet to put it up on my site however, as I still can't access my FTP, as I've explained in previous posts. But until then, you can download the Wallpaper / Preview, or just watch the video itself, if you haven't already here. And don't forget to watch the special video's surrounding it. Project 6 / Tossik Extras and Project 6. A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 Wednesday, January 03, 2007Tossik Is Good For Launch!Listen Up! My next juggling video "Tossik" (formerly called "Project 6") is finished, compiled, it has it's preview images, and it's ready for release. I'm going to release it though, on Saturday the 6th, just so that noone gets surprised when they check in late. Then a few days later, I'm going to release the first cut of the video, "Project 6", along with a video filled with some extra footage that I wanted to put in, but didn't have the chance to. Until then however, you can either watch the preview for it from the "December Update" in the last blog post, or you can watch the video of me juggling at shoprite (see this post for the whole story.) Daily Life: Monday, the 1st. Begin with me waking up around 10:00 am to get ready for school, and then having my mom tell me that the college is closed. I check online and it is, so I get to work on editing Tossik further. Then around 12:00, people started coming in, as was traditions that New Years Day would be the day when everyone comes over our house for a "party". More so to exchange gifts and stuff. Which was pretty damn good because for this Xmas I had it planned and everything, I put up a wish list to with all the stuff on there that I could ever want, and despite noone actually getting me on it, I'd like to thank my aunt for getting me two of the things on there. a set of 5 Squosh Beanbags (juggling), and a shirt that I had put up on there. All awesome. Afterwards, my cousin started trying to juggle with 3 of my old ones, and he actually wasn't doing too bad. So I let him keep those three, at least for now. Hopefully he'll be practicing and getting good enough to compete with me eventually. But whatever, I got another $50 in cash as a gift from my other aunt, and I'll post what I did with it later. So after that was all finished, around 4:00, I headed out, as I Contini had planned for the SOT clan to get back together at his house, and so we did. I got there second, after Dan and before Corey and Jimmy. We stayed there for about 10 minutes, then piled into Contini's car and went to the Mexican Restaurant. Now, I don't like Mexican/Spanish food, and never will, but everyone wanted it, so I be a nice guy and I just go pay for an appetizer that they split between them. After that, we headed over to Dan's house to get his Wii, only for him to realize that his brother packed it into the car, which is still at Contini's house, about 10 minutes away. So we hang out there for a little while, then head down to the Walmart to grab batteries, and I got myself a copy of Jackass Number Two. We watched it later at Contini's house, but that's later. We went down to Shoprite after leaving Walmart for snacks, and finally got back to Contini's house. We played Wii Sports Bowling for a while, until I tried to correct the curve I was throwing, and I wasn't using the strap. Luckily, I missed the TV by about 3 centimeters, and the only thing that happened was the batteries flew out. Needless to say, we stopped playing that and then watched Jackass Two. As soon as that was done, I had to leave. So that's it. Then, just yesterday, on my way home from class, I made a quick stop to the Lowes hardware store that's on the way back. I bought a 2'x2'x3/4" sheet of oak plywood and a 5 ft section of 1/4" thick PVC pipe. If you're into circus art or juggling, you'll know what I'm making. If you don't, I'm making a Rola Bola, click the link for a wikipedia explanation. I get home and make one, and it works perfectly, despite being about 5 inches short of a standard size one. Bottom line, as where every juggling store and place to buy them charges $50.00 at least, I spend $24.00 and have enough material left over to make a second one, plus have extra material. Kick, ass. Juggle This: I've been just trying to get my 5 ball tricks solid and able to do on command. Otherwise, I'm just starting to work on my 3 club scissor catches and kickups. Otherwise, nothing much has really happened, other than my recent new record for a 5 ball half-shower, 65 catches. Oh, and one last thing. You can now visit my very own, STORE! YES! Right now, I've got for sale, a T-shirt, hoodie, cap, bumper sticker, and a clock? Yes, a clock. Please buy these things. Link A Day In The Life Of A Peanut Butter Cup ~ Reeses2150 |